Monday, January 21, 2008

Reference Of Community Service

former cinema in the brain

momentarily interrupting the tradition of this area, now in his third post, to advertise that one deserves serious. His name is David Pepper, and is a genius.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Long Can You Live With Cancer

happy family

is logical that learning from television news of his arrest should not be full of life. from morning to night to find "free" to "free to stay at home." certainly not be the best of life. is what has happened to the wife of Minister Mastella. "The bitter price that, together with my husband, we are paying for the defense of Catholic values in politics, the principles of moderation and tolerance against fanaticism and extremism." charges is in fact another and it's called extortion, but it's nothing new. much worse things happen. as not to be heard when asking the public square to be left alone as it was a public figure, or when you appeal to their untouchable just because it is a public figure. because if I commit a crime, say, if you kill someone, I have the right to be left alone. I have the right to stay home, to call people to dinner, going out, catching a plane. billion do not care if I have the right not to be despised as a villain. I have the right not to be tried, and I have the right to defame judges, magistrates, and all the already slow machine legislating so as to make it go even slower, until the break. if I commit a crime have the right to make statements in the newspapers, on TV, radio and where the hell I want. and I have the right to speak to my lawyers. and I have the right to have lawyers. I then right away for jobs because they're sick - because I feel bad, because I are processing - and delays to the trial to another date. and I have the right to defend myself. to say "it was not me, I've never done anything, this accusation has no basis," and I have the right to be believed, to be supported and be backed by the proper authorities. I too have those responsible - I almost had forgotten - but they treat me like shit. as a normal person. ultimately take a bit 'too much freedom these Italian shit.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Monster Bracelet

open Sundays embed

not apply to building. does not affect anything. nothing that has not already been tried, tested. apparently are content to pack a simple, standard, no claim to significance. in reality nothing of a soup heated and completely harmless can only cause damage. completely irrelevant and useless to the world that surrounds it. where you can interact, at best, only through the unmasking of structural errors.

with this effort part of this space. a kind of diary but not a diary in the strict sense. I never liked writing journal and - as long as you can - I will not deny this assumption primitive. no blog of my cock then. no space in which to seek comfort, comfort because the Internet does not and should not give it. the solution is not in the machine. However, even if this is a somewhat 'too nineties. the machine and all the crap on cyborg (this decidedly eighties), the use of electronics, on the screens that will one day within the body. These are things we should not pay too much attention. and in fact even more if it comes to these bitches. and thank goodness.

all this, however, to say that journalists are WIRED cock, and that you could easily become journalists WIRED. it does not take nothing. just a blackberry, a subscription to any pay-tv to watch on blackberry of course right to say that regardless of where you will find you are always reachable by advertising, the ability to enter unlimited in Japanese restaurants, inside a briefcase with shreds of toilet paper and newspaper clippings of fashion. a raincoat when it rains, white hair and wanting.

prerequisite for recruitment: to be conducive to spamming and claim it as an opportunity for life. a means to understand that we exist and we are "connected". a sort of mega-global inter-media interface that links real human beings share the same fate neon. people traveling at the speed sound from one country to another without occupying the planes for a specific purpose but with the intention of running the world economy. without underwear, but with a briefcase containing documents of global importance. always in the middle of something. always on a rainy day, intent on eating sushi at a Japanese restaurant where the waiter is a screen, watching the game of their favorite team on your mobile, global efforts to think of a global vision. for a renewal. that it is always new and therefore always ephemeral. always renewed. faster than a commercial. continuous strengthening of its appreciation and unconditional trust to the system. toward the absolute.