Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Long Can You Live With Cancer

happy family

is logical that learning from television news of his arrest should not be full of life. from morning to night to find "free" to "free to stay at home." certainly not be the best of life. is what has happened to the wife of Minister Mastella. "The bitter price that, together with my husband, we are paying for the defense of Catholic values in politics, the principles of moderation and tolerance against fanaticism and extremism." charges is in fact another and it's called extortion, but it's nothing new. much worse things happen. as not to be heard when asking the public square to be left alone as it was a public figure, or when you appeal to their untouchable just because it is a public figure. because if I commit a crime, say, if you kill someone, I have the right to be left alone. I have the right to stay home, to call people to dinner, going out, catching a plane. billion do not care if I have the right not to be despised as a villain. I have the right not to be tried, and I have the right to defame judges, magistrates, and all the already slow machine legislating so as to make it go even slower, until the break. if I commit a crime have the right to make statements in the newspapers, on TV, radio and where the hell I want. and I have the right to speak to my lawyers. and I have the right to have lawyers. I then right away for jobs because they're sick - because I feel bad, because I are processing - and delays to the trial to another date. and I have the right to defend myself. to say "it was not me, I've never done anything, this accusation has no basis," and I have the right to be believed, to be supported and be backed by the proper authorities. I too have those responsible - I almost had forgotten - but they treat me like shit. as a normal person. ultimately take a bit 'too much freedom these Italian shit.


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